Privacy Policy

ZeesecurityPerth provides a privacy policy ensuring better performance. This policy helps to secure your vulnerable information. We never share it to others for profit, it is against our rules. Go through our policy to understand why we collect your personal data and where we use it.

Personal Information

If we request your personal and other details, it will help us to offer you commendable services. We want to escape any scammer issue. At zeesecurityPerth, we usually ask about your name, address, and other details for better service.

Surveys and Promotions

We ask our users about their contact, telephone, and other details related to surveys and promotions. You are free to participate in these activities based on your interest. We use your contact details to announce the winners.


Our website contains links and various banner advertisements. Clicking these links is solely up to your consent. We never take any burden for the damage that you may bear by clicking these links. Do your thorough research before acquiring any of the services from these links.

Notification Changes

Whenever we introduce even small changes to our policy, we notify on the top of our website. It is your sole duty to read our policy whenever you interact with our website to acquire services or for any other purposes.

Correcting your Information

You can contact us anytime to make amendments to your shared information. If you want to delete or edit the information, our staff is available to provide you with better customer support. You can take us on board over a single call or an email to book our services or to correct your information.